I did it. I took the plunge this summer and did the unthinkable in the blog world.
I STOPPED. I took a summer break, and only posted on contributor sites that I had committed to.
But my own space fell silent. Why? For a girl since her first grade journal that has always had “too much to say”, I felt somewhat overwhelmed by all of the noise online, the constant rat race of keeping with blogging tips and tricks, and what I felt like was “supposed to be said” and what blogging goals were “supposed to be met”.
And out of all of that confusion, the one thing that kept rolling around in my mind was this:
What’s your end game in blogging? What is the ultimate goal you hope to accomplish with this?
I have been blogging for six years, which in blogland is pretty much rights to earn an AARP card or a senior coffee at McDonald’s. While I am mostly an unknown in the online world, six years is a LONG time to commit to something without really knowing what your end game, or ultimate goal, may be.
For some it is selling a beautiful product, making extra income for your family, driving toward a book deal, or just getting the words out there for other people to read. Those are awesome end games. But there was still something missing for me.
But one day this summer, while my blog lay dormant and I sat on a porch chair, just rocking away, watching the kids play in the tall grass and yelling at the crows that are bent on feasting on our garden (told you I was like an old woman in a thirty-something’s body..) it hit me:
The goal? The END GAME for ALL bloggers and writers that are believers is the same:
THE GOSPEL. The goal is the GOSPEL.
The goal is the gospel if you are a writer, a doctor, a mother, a baker, a janitor, a soccer coach, a chef.
The goal is the gospel if you are a missionary, a visionary, a secretary. A college student, a babysitter, a waitress. A cop, a firefighter, a construction worker.
For those who believe in the cause of Christ? The goal is the gospel.
We can write beautiful words all day long. We can share pinnable images, have posts go wild online because people see themselves in them, or sell a billion copies of an amazing book. And nothing is wrong with that. But if our ultimate “end game”, our ultimate goal is to make much of us and not much of Christ, than we have missed the entire point:
For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bond-servant of Christ. Galatians 1:10
My end game is the gospel. Finally, after six years, things are starting to make sense. And if you are reading this and not a believer? Let’s sit on those porch chairs and talk. I would love to share that end game with you.