“Gold, silver and bronze- blue and purple and scarlet yarns- hammered wood and gold overlay…”
They sound like the tools needed for a masterful work don’t they? Indeed they were! These were just a few of the items the Lord instructed the Israelites to gather as they crafted the Arc of the Covenant- the dwelling place for God himself to inhabit his people.
The Lord called upon “all those whose hearts moved them” to offer up these gifts of beauty for his home among them. Oh how I long to bring gifts of beauty before the Lord! As a writer, as an artist, what a joy to spin stories and encouragement and truth with words; to offer them at his feet. Many times, I must confess, my words are messy, muddled, even fumbling. I wonder if my attempts to create something beautiful for the Lord will ever compare to the skilled artisans of the Old Testament, who wielded tools of beauty with such great skill. Do you ever find yourself wondering too? Do you long to see your gifts transformed into something beautiful?
God says its all about the heart.
Those whose hearts moved in them brought gifts. They couldn’t help it. They longed to worship. They longed to give. And you? Sisters, artists, writers, entrepreneurs- you who have a heart stirring to bring beauty and light to the feet of Jesus and to the world that so desperately needs him- you have all the gifts of heaven ready to burst forth from you.
To create means that you shine the light of the One who created you.
You have all the gifts of God poured into your heart, all the creativity of the one who hung the stars into place, who cut the grooves into the earth, and who causes every shade of pink in the sunset to hang perfectly upon blue. That is the beauty that shines from you as you bring your gifts to bear for the benefit of his people.
As your hearts are moved toward God’s own as you create, as you worship, He promises to dwell with you. However messy, however feeble, he comes and breathes life into all you put your hands to. Create a space for him to dwell today, friends. Your offerings of beauty shine bright.