A warm welcome to Compassion International.
Discuss: What has God given you “enough” of? Write it down on a piece of paper.
My name is Olive Aneno. I’m a social worker in Atlanta, Georgia. My family and I belong to a local church and are surrounded by friends and family who love us. In my free time I play on a recreational volleyball league and spend time with my four-year-old son, Felix. Thankful for a safe home and plenty of food on our table, we have all we need.
This hasn’t always been true. As a young girl, I lived in the Kitgum district of Northern Uganda. My sisters and I lived with our grandparents, Baba and Cara, in a circle of family huts. Kitgum was a rural community where families grew most of what we ate, including oranges, mangoes, sweet potatoes, peanuts and corn.
When we had extra food from the harvest we’d carry it to our church, where my grandfather Baba was the pastor, to share with families in need. Other families did the same with their extras. Sometimes we had enough food; other times we did not. In all circumstances, Baba assured us that we could put our hope in God. He taught us that, because all we have belongs to God, we should use what we need and we offer our “extra” to others.
Today that’s a value I’m trying to nurture in Felix. Graciously, Felix consistently has enough: enough family, enough water, enough hope, enough safety, enough education and enough food. In fact, he’s probably like a lot of kids you know. He loves pancakes and mac-and-cheese. He’s dying to ride a big yellow school bus to school next year. He plays educational games on his tablet. He clicks Lego blocks together. And, like most kids, he’s learning to share his toys with his friends.
As you come to the Allume workshop on “Mo-omm, Why Can’t I Have a ________?”, as you and I purpose together to live from enough, we’ll all be learning what it means to share with our friends from the abundance God has given.
Scripture: Philippians 4:11-13
I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
Pray: Thank God for the variety of ways that you have access to “enough.” Pray for those who don’t have “enough” and ask God how he wants you to share your “more than enough.”
Action Item: Tape your “enough” list to your fridge. Then, this week, and this month, notice where God has provided “enough” in your life and add to your list.
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