Morgan is a recovering perfectionist who—once upon a time—worked tirelessly to keep her life looking like a fairy tale. After walking through a dark season of loss, she eventually realized the story she was living, while far from perfect, was still written by a loving, trustworthy Author. Today, Morgan finds deep joy in living life on purpose for her gracious Savior. She encourages women of all ages to join the adventure at Living A Page-Turner.org where she writes about experiencing the gift of abundant life (John 10:10) in an imperfect world.
Morgan lives in Dallas, TX with her husband David. She is passionate about discipleship, equipping the next generation, and Audrey Hepburn. Morgan is co-founder of ElevateCulture.com (launching in March 2015) and speaker at the Aurora Conference. You can also find her on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.