Each month, a brave & beautiful woman from the Allume community un-shelves a volume of her life and unclasps her heart for us to share Her Story.
More than a year, she lived in the chilling stranglehold of fear. Trapped by confusion and doubt, the walls of control and deception closed in around her as she struggled to keep her faith untainted…and by the grace of God, fled with her family to freedom.
This is Tereasa,
and her story of freedom in Christ from spiritual abuse.
Outwardly, belief of the community appeared wholesome, fresh, and freeing. Tereasa and her family had been searching for a place to call home – to belong, to thrive with a sense of significance. Led by their long-time friend {known as “the shepherd”}, the close-knit, “family” structure of the community and its focus on the church called their names. It was literally like “one big happy family,” with generations living and working side by side, welcoming new-comers with open arms and a true sense of purpose.
But inside, the community wrapped its members in the psychological shackles of false doctrine and control.
Under the spell of the shepherd and his perversions of the word of God, the members of the community began to slip into a state of spiritual death. While she prayed fervently that this man, once her friend, and the people she loved so genuinely would receive a revelation of understanding – of the truth – she fell into despair. And as the shepherd led the members of the community further down the path of destruction, Tereasa, unable to leave, or even miss a meeting without consequence, felt the steely bars of false teaching and strange legalism closing in around her.
In her anguish, she cried out for help…to the only One able to rescue her.
“I had spent a year and a half caught between fear of man and confidence in the Spirit; love and jealousy; peace and strife; truth and confusion. I kept hearing that if I persevered, everything would come together and I would understand. I was weary and ready to give up. I began to think that if I just stopped thinking everything would be alright. I gave up trying to figure it all out and begged God for understanding.
God opened my eyes to so much more than I expected. My perfect world fell apart and I saw that the love I had longed to embrace was not what I thought. All of a sudden I was no longer caught between two worlds. I was terrified. I didn’t know who to trust and I didn’t know what to do. For almost two weeks, I silently cried for help. A few times, my cries cut through the terror and squeaked enough for anyone to hear. [My husband] was the only one to hear.”
One night, after reading to their children about Jacob’s flight from Laban under the cover of night, Tereasa’s son vocalized his thankfulness “for a dad who will always do what’s right, no matter how hard it is.” After a terrifying string of events, brought to a head by the tender words of a child, they knew it was time to run.
Homeless and penniless, Teresa and her family fled the community last summer. The process of healing has been excruciating;
“I had nightmares for months, cried for weeks, lost weight and then gained weight. I felt like I was incapable of knowing truth. I was afraid to love or be loved. I was distrusting, skeptical of anyone who spoke about love, faith or anything related to Christianity. I couldn’t let people look me in the eyes. I startled easily. You get the idea. It was awful, but for the first time in my life, I was completely reliant on Jesus.”
With Jesus holding her close, Tereasa’s faith that she so carefully sheltered from the damage of the shepherd, and the strength she could only find in Christ are roaring to a blaze. And despite the pain, throbbing through down to her very soul, she wouldn’t have changed her experience in the community if given the chance. For it was by this very pain – the confusion, the terror – that she came to that raw, rock-bottom place where only Jesus Christ can meet you.
So now, with her back to the wind of the Truth and her hand wrapped in the tender protection of the true Shepherd, Tereasa is stepping forward into her new life, in the Freedom of a daughter of the King.
Tereasa bares her soul, and explains her breakthrough in far more detail on her blog, His Pen On My Heart. She also tweets @MTereasa.