Are you considering bringing your little bundle of joy to Allume? If so…you have an advantage in the area of conversation starters! Nothing breaks the ice quicker than a little snuggler on your hip. We understand that not everyone will have the opportunity to take this adventure solo, and bringing baby is just a matter of fact. For that reason, Allume has partnered with brightpeak financial to sponsor the baby/momma nursery. This room is for ladies and babies only, and will have everything you need to keep your little one happy! Boppy’s, swings, pack-n-plays, changing table, rocking chairs, exersaucer, and more will adorn the mommy & baby room! There will even be a live audio feed for you so you do not miss the keynote speakers, should you have to step out of the main fellowship hall.
I have been on both sides of this story of bringing a baby verses coming solo. At the first conference I attended February 2012, I brought my 9 month old along. When I came to Allume last October it was my first opportunity to travel baby free in 17 months! Par-tay! When I attended the first conference with my little Harrison I also brought my amazing mother with me. She watched him day and night. We would communicate via txt when he was ready to be nursed and I would either run to my room or she would meet me somewhere. At that conference the hotel was beyond huge, and there were no special accommodations for the little babes. This didn’t stop many people from toting their babies in strollers and baby-carriers throughout the conference sessions.
The only time I had Harrison with me was during the very first newbie meet-up on the day of registration…and a couple times in between rummaging through the sponsor booths. My conference/baby experience didn’t end well. My little boy spiked a high fever, double ear infection, and croup by the last day…topped off with 2nd degree burns on the inside of his entire hand after grabbing my curling iron…ironically while I was busy coordinating a fellow blogger nurse to come to the room and check him out.
Now we all know that babies will do what babies do best…no matter how well you prepare yourself there is always the unexpected. Your normally perfect little angel can turn into a screaming little human being who even you don’t recognize in a split second! Between the traveling, new environment, interrupted schedules, and over-stimulation of 450 doting women is enough to put an adult over the edge let alone a baby.
When bringing a baby to a conference, you always need realistic expectations. It is possible that you will not be able to attend all of the sessions. It is possible that you will have to leave the room when your favorite speaker is up to bat. I hate to miss anything. I always want to squeeze every ounce of goodness out of my conference experience. This is why I brought someone to help me so that I could attend all of the sessions freely. We realize that not everybody will have the opportunity to bring a helper. Which means you will have to be flexible with your schedule.
To put it into perspective…all of the people attending this conference have a lot of time and made a substantial financial commitment to attend. You have to look at it from the reverse role; Would you want your favorite speaker…the one you waited all weekend to hear…to be drowned out by anything? We simply ask to keep in mind your baby’s limits, and to respond out of respect for your fellow Allume family, if the need arises for you to leave a room during a session.
Fellow friend and blogger, Alison Olfelt of O My Family Blog,(who would be attending if her 3rd little bundle wasn’t due the week of Allume!) has written a great series on how to successfully attend a conference with baby in tow. Her writing goes into more detail with ideas and what has worked well for her. Read part 1 where she talks about the parties and nightlife, and part 2 talks about the sessions.
Babies and Daddy’s: If you bring your husband to be the care-giver for your baby, there are a few things to note. 1: How blessed you are to have him! 2: There is a man-cave for them. This room is awesome! It is all things manly. This room is also sponsored by Bright Peak Financial. This area is designated men only and we ask that the women honor this and not enter the room at any time. Out of respect for our awesome man cave sponsor and the work they have invested in making this a great experience for the men, we also ask that no children enter this room as well. So, the baby/momma room is only for women and babies…and the man cave is only for men. This means if your husband is the care-giver during the conference, he will have to make arrangements to care for baby outside of these two areas.
Just who is this wonderful sponsor who is providing these much needed oases for the men and the momma’s? “Bright Peak Financial is a company that is built for people, not for profit. What is that big financial hurdle you’d love to get over? Paying off student loans, saving for your kids’ education, buying a house or just saving enough for your next vacation? These financial realities can often turn into anxiety and fear. Fear that you’ll never have enough money. Fear that you’ll never get out from under your debt or fear that you can’t reach your goals.
Bright Peak Financial wants to help you escape financial fear. Together, we will move you to a place of hope and resiliency by seeking transparency, faith and wisdom with money. Your mountain can be climbed with confidence!”