It’s 4:30 when the alarm goes off. Admittedly, I am a morning person but even at this hour, I groan at the thought of getting up. Most days it’s closer to 5 when I finally roll back the clovers to make my way to the coffee pot, and the couch for time in prayer, and the Word.
This is how most days begin partly because I like it this way, but mostly because I need it this way.
This time in the quiet with God, before the day stacks up around me is what helps me focus. This time of communion with my Maker is what centers me before my looming to-do list has time to knock me sideways.
We live full lives. Most of us (ahem) don’t have a lot of margin in our day. There’s not enough whitespace and in the steady flow of things that need to be addressed, handled, managed, sorted and processed, it’s easy to lose our focus, to get distracted, to forget why we do what we do–and how we ought to do it.
“Commit your work to the Lord”, the Psalmist writes, “and your plans will be established”.
We are all looking for ways to succeed in what we do–this is it, right here; “Commit your work to the Lord.” Turn your work over into His hands. Daily. Hourly, Every minute if you must. Keep your eyes on God, and watch how He leads you.
This is why I try to wake before dawn. The hand off that happens each morning in the quiet between me and Jesus is the only way I can handle all of the tasks I have before me.
I can’t do it in my own strength. I don’t want to. When I fail to work alongside the Lord, when I grab the reigns and work in my own strength and wisdom, I stumble. I run myself ragged and the various plates I’m spinning become unruly and burdensome. When it becomes about my ability to make things happen, things come undone.
I come undone.
Commit your work to the Lord, we’re told. That’s how to find success. He establishes our work for His glory when we surrender it to Him.
Entrust all of your work and ways to God, and watch how He guides the process. Watch How He leads you as you work.
Make time to meet with God as you plan your day. Set your schedule according to His purposes for you. Invite Him to your planning meeting.
Lisha Epperson says
March 24, 2015 at 8:59 amI dream of being a morning person Kris. Thankfully I’m woe enough to keep the prayers coming, minute by minute. Thanks for this reminder to “keep it locked” on Jesus 24/7.
Kris Camealy says
March 24, 2015 at 9:01 amLove the way you say that Lisha. “Keep it locked” on Jesus 24/7. yes. I don’t think God cares what time of the day we pray, just that we do!! 🙂 XO
layla bb solms says
March 24, 2015 at 11:36 amMy husband dreams of me being a morning person. You just may inspire me to become just that – for many reasons. I pray WHILE i’m eating or drinking my coffee.
Kris Camealy says
March 26, 2015 at 7:04 amMy husband and I are opposites, Layla. He is much more the night owl than I. I am done by 4PM most days, Hah! Praying anytime is awesome–whether you eat or drink…do it all for Him, and with HIM. 🙂
Wendy Speake says
March 25, 2015 at 2:11 pmYes! Absolutely. There are some simple directives that get all complicated and confusing in this mad dash that we call life. “Commit your work to the Lord and your plans will be established.” Yes. “Seek first His kingdom and all these things shall be added onto you.” Yes. “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path…” Yes, That too. Thank you for reminding me where focus and faith both begin.
Kris Camealy says
March 26, 2015 at 7:05 amThanks for reading and encouraging, Wendy. It’s inspiring to know that we are not alone in our stretching and growing.